
Priskila Arulpragasam

February 12, 2024
- Mishaari Weerabangsa

Co-Lead, Operations, Delete Nothing

Priskila Arulpragasam holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the National Institute of Social Development and a postgraduate diploma in International Gender Studies from the University of Iceland. She is a feminist activist working on sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender, and safe abortion. She has been advocating to address issues faced by women, girls and young people in making informed choices about their bodies for the past 9 years and is passionate on issues around bodily autonomy, disability rights and other intersectional issues that affect young people, women and queer people. She has served as the Chairperson of the Youth Technical Advisory Committee of the Family Planning Association Sri Lanka for 2016/2018 and was a United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Young Innovation Fellow on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in 2019. She currently serves the Co-Lead Operations for Delete Nothing and as Director Organizational Development and Admin for the Youth Advocacy Network Sri Lanka.

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