
Update on leadership transitions within Delete Nothing

September 2, 2024
- Mishaari Weerabangsa

Dear Friends and Supporters of Delete Nothing,

We are writing to share an important update about Delete Nothing, an initiative that was co-created 5 years ago and is slowly but surely contributing to feminist engagements with technology and digital justice in Sri Lanka, South Asia, and beyond.

We want to inform you that Priskila Arulpragasam is stepping down from her role as Co-Lead of Operations at Delete Nothing to pursue her master’s degree abroad. We are immensely grateful for Priskila’s dedication and invaluable contributions during her tenure. She has been instrumental in advancing our mission and fostering a supportive community.

Concurrently, we are thrilled to announce that Shelani Palihawadana is joining Delete Nothing as our new Co-Lead of Operations. Shelani is an Attorney-at-Law with a bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Colombo and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Human Rights in Human Development and Gender Justice at the University of Colombo. She is a dedicated feminist activist with a focus on sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR), gender, disability rights, and safe abortion.

Shelani’s impressive background includes being a peer educator and master trainer on SRHR, working closely with the deaf community in Sri Lanka. She was a sitting member of the Technical Advisory Committee on Adolescent and Youth Health at the Family Health Bureau of Sri Lanka (2019-2022). Her professional journey includes practicing constitutional law and serving as a research officer at the Ministry of Justice, where she was attached to the Cabinet Appointed Experts Committee to Draft a New Constitution. Shelani shifted to full-time work on SRHR, gender, and disability issues, leading projects like ‘Prathya’—a hotline-based ecosystem of support for persons affected by OGBV. She also serves as the Programs Director at Youth Advocacy Network Sri Lanka.

We deeply appreciate the solidarity and support shown to Priskila during her tenure. We are confident that Shelani will continue to build on this foundation and drive our mission forward.

Shelani can be contacted via shelani95@gmail.com as well as  deletenothingcontact@gmail.com
for any inquiries or collaborations.

We are excited to have Shelani on board and look forward to the invaluable contributions she will bring to our organization. Her expertise and passion will undoubtedly strengthen our efforts to make cyberspace a safe space to everyone.

Watch this space for more updates from Delete Nothing!

In solidarity,

Misha’ari, Priskila & Shelani

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